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The Best Way to Clean the Kitchen Sink: Reviews Cart

Kitchen sinks are the most used part of a kitchen. The kitchen sink is the dirtiest part of a kitchen, which is often neglected by people. People regularly wash the dishes in the sink, wipe the counters and sweep the floor, but the sink of the kitchen often gets neglected. Cleaning of a kitchen sink is an important job as it serves as a feeding ground for illness-causing bacteria like E.coli, salmonella, and staphylococcus that can easily spread from the sink to your hands and food. A clean and bacteria-free sink is essential for the health of family members and prevents them from life-threatening diseases. One should always clean the kitchen sink once a week to keep it safe from germs and other bacteria. After knowing the importance of cleaning a kitchen, one should always have a complete understanding of how to properly clean your kitchen sink.

Various methods, ways and tips to clean your kitchen are mentioned below:

  • Scrubbing of kitchen sink: You should scrub your kitchen sink. You can take sponge as it helps in removing all the deposits of soaps, water spots, rust and all kinds of food stains. If your sink is non-porous and has a surface of the acrylic, then you can scrub your sink using baking soda. If the material of the sink is porcelain material, stainless steel then you should always use a mixture of powdered borax along with lemon.
  • Sanitization of Kitchen sink: You should always sanitize your kitchen sink to remove all the germs and bacteria from it. The simple procedure to sanitize your kitchen is to plug the drain, fill your sink that has warm water followed by adding some bleach in it. Leave it for 5 minutes and then drain it. Your kitchen sink is completely sanitized.
  • Use of vinegar: You can take the help of little vinegar to remove those lime spots that are there on the faucet handles and it will help in disinfecting the sink as well.
  • Baking soda: Baking soda is an essential component that is used in the cleaning of the kitchen sink. Whenever you see a stain on the kitchen sink, always sprinkle a small amount of baking soda and it will get vanish. Baking soda is also very helpful to prevent further clogging. Baking soda is considered as a natural cleaning agent that helps in breaking down the dirt and grease.
  • Polishing of the sink: Firstly dry your sink using a cloth and after making it completely dry, sprinkle some flour on all parts of the sink. Now, in a circular motion, gently buff the sink and the excess flour should be removed and put up in the dustbin. Repeat this process to get a new, shiny, polished sink. 

Also Read: Best Kitchen Sinks You Can Buy: Reviews Cart

Lemon oil is also used to polish the porcelain. You can put a few drops of the lemon juice in a dry cloth and then you should wipe it on the surface of the sink. It will give you a nice fragrance and with the help of oil, the soap can rest upon the surface.

  • Using hydrogen peroxide: Spray the sink with hydrogen peroxide and completely cover it. Leave it for 15 minutes to a few hours. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the essential components that is used in the cleaning process of the kitchen sink as it has bleaching properties and without the eye-watering smell. After waiting for a few hours, just rinse the sink with warm water and you will see that all the stains have vanished. If you find any stain after the application of hydrogen peroxide, you can gently scrub it to get rid of that stain.
  • Disinfectant spray: You can make your disinfectant spray at home to keep your kitchen sink away from any germs and bacteria. Mix one cup of water in a single cup containing either apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. Add lemon juice into it to get rid of all the harmful bacteria and clean it up by removing all the grease. You can also use oil that has lemon content, such as lavender, orange or tea-tree. After washing your dishes, just spray this mixture to get a nice pleasant smell and make your kitchen free from any germs and bacteria.
  • Protection against scratches and stains: You can protect your sink from scratches and stains by following some simple steps like Installing a perforated plastic mat in the bottom of your sink. It will help in protecting your kitchen sink from scratches. Prevent your sink from long-term exposure to acids as it can cause staining and could etch the surface. Avoid the use of scouring powders to clean your kitchen sink, instead always use warm water and dish detergent formula.
  • Rust on the sink: You can remove rust from your sink by using WD-40 on the spot with a cloth and then rinse thoroughly. It helps in removing the rust and the stains from the kitchen sink.
  • Cleaning of copper kitchen sinks: We have discussed the method of cleaning stainless steel. But how clean the copper kitchen sinks? We can’t use vinegar, lemon, Clorox to clean a copper kitchen sink a sit can damage the sink. The cleaning of the copper sink is done by using antibacterial dish soap and pat it dry with a microfiber rag and then spray it with Lysol disinfectant spray.
  • Cleaning of Stone kitchen sinks: For cleaning stone kitchen sinks, you can’t use harsh chemicals as it will destroy the kitchen sink surface. These sinks are porous and they can absorb any liquid in its surface. For cleaning the stone kitchen sink, you can use antibacterial dish soap and warm water and after it gets dried up, just spray it with some disinfectant.

If you want to buy Best Kitchen Sinks check the product on Reviews cart . these above mentioned are some ways and methods by which you can easily clean your kitchen sink. The kitchen sink is that place of the kitchen that gets frequently used and it can become the home for various bacteria and germs if it is not properly cleaned. Always clean, scrub, polish, disinfect, sanitize your kitchen to protect you and your family from long–term illness.
